
Virgo horoscope for 23 Jun, 2024

The supportive sextile between the Moon and Saturn today provides a stable emotional backdrop, which can make you feel more secure and grounded. Use this time to deal with any lingering emotional concerns. The day's energy is perfect for reflection and addressing deeper emotional issues with calm and clarity. Today's cosmic environment with the Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces offers a reassuring signal for your personal relationships. If there's an issue that has been bothering you, now is the time to confront it. You might find that what you feared was mostly unfounded. Be courageous and address the issue directly; this can lead to a significant breakthrough and strengthen your connections. Luck today might not be explosive, but the thoughtful and steady energy of Saturn offers a type of 'slow and steady' luck. Pay attention to small opportunities or minor wins; they might be part of a larger pattern of gradual but positive change.

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