Leo horoscope for 04 Feb, 2024
While you usually enjoy being in the limelight, the current transits suggest taking a step back to focus on your well-being. Align your mind with your body's needs by prioritizing self-care: engage in regular exercise, opt for light meals, and ensure you're getting enough rest. This approach will provide the stability and peace you're seeking. On as the Moon in Sagittarius forms a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius, you're at a crossroads in your relationships. Facing issues of trust head-on will be crucial. Choosing to seek the truth and understand the situation fully before making any decisions can lead to transformative outcomes for your personal connections. Today might not be the best day to embark on new travels. Instead, focus on planning future trips that align with your newfound insights and desires. Consider destinations that offer both relaxation and the opportunity to explore your interests.
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