Capricorn horoscope for 14 Jan, 2024
Health-wise, focus on self-care. The day calls for comfort and addressing your needs. Whether it’s unburdening your thoughts to a friend or engaging in a rejuvenating workout, prioritize what makes you feel balanced. The Moon’s sextile with Mars later in the day energizes you, boosting your motivation for physical activity. Today, Capricorn, as Mercury enters your sign, you're prompted to reassess your relationships. This transit could skew your view towards the negative, so strive for balance. Acknowledge the positives and negatives equally. The Moon’s sextile with Mercury adds an emotional depth to your thoughts, urging you to communicate effectively in your personal relationships. Travel aspects today are moderately favorable. While the Moon’s conjunction with Saturn suggests some delays or challenges, the sextile with Mars indicates that any travel undertaken will have a purpose and could be rewarding. Be patient and methodical in your travel plans.
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