
Aquarius horoscope for 11 May, 2024

The square between the Moon and Neptune may cause your emotions to feel more intense or perhaps a bit confusing today. It’s a good time to sort through your feelings, perhaps through writing or other forms of personal expression. Find ways to ground yourself if you start to feel overwhelmed by the dreaminess of the day. Today’s transit of the Moon in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces brings a dreamy vibe that's perfect for romantic endeavors. It’s an ideal day to express your feelings through a creative date, like a candlelit dinner or a nighttime stroll under the stars. Make the most of this magical atmosphere by creating a warm, loving environment at home where you and your partner can share intimate moments and build beautiful memories together. Luck might be elusive today, with the Neptune influence bringing a veil of confusion. It's a day to rely more on intuition than on random chances. Focus on making well-thought-out decisions rather than leaving things to fate.

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